Claire Garden


Hello all, and welcome to my personal website. I am not going to make this any prettier than I want to; It's more about getting stuff I want out there than anything else.

My name is Claire Rodriguez. I am a 33 year old transfemme woman who is trying her best to catch up to where she thinks she should be at this point in her life. I don't think I'll ever quite get there, but there's no point in not trying, right?

Reading Log

Tracking Books I've Read

I've started to log books as I complete them! I was inspired by my partner to do so, after participating in a summer reading challenge at our local library. I want to build up a collection of books I've read, and have a good idea of how I felt about them, to guide my future reading hobby!

Pseudotaxus Glypholect

A Standardized Pseudocode and Unicode Glyphs to Express It

I have been slowly working, over the course of the last few years, on a standardized version of Pseudocode that I call Pseudotaxus which mainly has been used so far to complete my undergraduate programming assignments requiring the use of Pseudocode as a gradable component. However, I am expanding that out through the use of a few projects: The Pseudotaxus Grove is a collection of algorithms written out in Pseudotaxus, so that when programming I can reference the already-defined concepts without needing to think about it from scratch. And pseudotaxus-mode is a GNU Emacs major mode to make editing files in Pseudotaxus easier.


I am currently learning to use Scryer Prolog in my day-to-day life. I have set up ediprolog and I'm currently puttering around the wonderful "The Power of Prolog" guide by Marcus Triska.

Programming Skill Checks

I am compiling a graded list of what I call Programming Skill Checks in an attempt to formalize (a bit, anyway) learning to use new programming languages and environments.


I maintain my own fork of MELPA in order to serve my own packages. You can use it with the following snippet of elisp code:

(add-to-list 'package-archives '("yelpa" . "") t)


I write my own tools most of the time. This website should be in valid XHTML5. You can verify this Yourself here .

All original content on this website is ©2024 Claire Rodriguez.
It is licensed to the public at large under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International.
This site is made using SXML, and the styling is a modified version of TinyCSS version 0.12.