Claire Garden

Programming Skill Checks

Challenges and Tasks to Prove You know how to use a programming language or environment.

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A Skill Check, in Gaming, is a challenge or situation designed to test either a specific group's skill in their role, or whether a character is competent enough at a specific activity to accomplish or access a wider range of opportunities or situations.

This page is meant to list, in a graded fashion, the skill checks that I use in order to ensure I have the required competence at a new programming language, when the need arises.


Console I/O, File I/O, Arithmetic, and Strings.

Hello World
Print the phrase, "Hello, World!" to the console.
User Input
accept the input of a string and a number from the user, and print them to the console.
Integer Arithmetic
accept two integers from the user. In turn, display their:
Numeric Strings
Accept a string from the user, determine if it is a number in digital form (including sign). If so, convert it to one and increment it by 1, displaying the total to the console. If not, display an error message including the original string.
Roman Numeral Conversion
Accept a numeral number from the user, convert it to Roman Numerals, and display the result to the user.
Substring Matcher
Accept two strings from the user, with the first being shorter than the second. Display the following, in turn:
  • The length of each string.
  • The difference of their lengths.
  • A substring starting from the beginning of the second string of the same length as the first.
  • A substring stopping at the end of the second string of the same length as the first.
  • A count of how many times the first string appears inside of the second.
  • A count of how many times each character in the first string appears in the second.
  • A version of the second string with all occurences of the first string removed.
  • Both strings, in ascending spelling order.
Check Attributes
Accept a file or directory name from the user. Display the following, in turn:
  • Whether the input would refer to a directory or a file.
  • Whether the resulting item exists.
  • Whether the resulting item is accessible by the current user (r).
  • Whether the resulting item is modifyable by the current user (w).
  • Whether the resulting item is executable/traversible by the current user (x).
  • Whether the resulting item is a link or a target, and if a link, where it is linking to.
Slurp a File.
Take a multi-line UTF-8 formatted text file, Slurp it as a string, Tokenize it based on newlines, and Dump it to a new file in reversed line order.
Walk a Directory
First, walk the current directory, printing the entire contents. Then, filter those contents based on a pattern of some kind, and display only the matching results. Then, display the opposite: Only thenon-matching results.

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